Thursday, October 23, 2008

week 7, Thing 16

I like the premise behind wikis. I was particularly interested in the SCPL subject guides for St. Jo Country PLS. I loved being able to click on elections (at least I think that's what I clicked one) and it was neat to have access to local, state and national election information. I could envision something that could gather "election guides " from many different points of view and having them available from one access point. Sort of a one-stop shopping guide with info from bar associations, values-bases organizations, leagues of women voters, etc.
I thought the best practices wiki was a good one too. I was sad to see so little "weeding" information on it and it would be a good place to contribute. Maybe OPL could "share" some best practices--for example, does every staff member know about item group editor and using inventory to creae lists?
I think OPL could potentially use a wiki for problem items, among other things. You could organize your items and carry them in a wiki for much easier checking than happens with the email group. Right now, you can't see what someone else has on their problem shelf. I think you could in a wiki format.

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